Email Marketing

Nurture and strengthen your relationship with your clients, new and old, through email marketing. Our industry specific content writers craft personalised email campaigns, designed to engage your audience and keep them coming back to your clinic. Email marketing is still the number one most cost-effective strategy to get existing customers to stay longer, buy more and visit more frequently.

Email Marketing Strategies

To grow your client base and retain current clients.

Send newsletters, special offers, updates or reminders for vaccinations & check-ups, keeping you at the forefront of your client's minds. As an added bonus, you also have the ability to send out surveys to new and existing customers to gain feedback and insight.
Email Marketing | Vet Marketing Services
Email Marketing Software

Vet Marketing Services offers these services:

  • Use the tool yourself with branded email templates that match your website.
  • Follow our guide and base campaigns to produce your own.
  • Let us do it for you (we can send it ourselves, or send with your approval).
  • Newsletter writing.
  • Blog writing.
  • Promotional campaigns.
  • Set up and manage automated marketing campaigns for reminders.

Stay top of mind, encourage repeat business and add value to your relationship with your clients with regular touches.

Call (07) 5636 3766 to find out how we can help get paws through the door of your vet clinic

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